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Your Discount Chemist catalogue

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Your Discount Chemist catalogue, specials, offers and deals

Have you seen the latest Your Discount Chemist catalogue? It has got every Your Discount Chemist special advertised in it, meaning you can make some big savings on your health and beauty products! Your Discount Chemist stores can be found around the country so you can have access from Brisbane or Perth or anywhere in between. Your Discount Chemist store also delivers which is handy if there isn’t a store in a city near you. Every Your Discount Chemist deal is published in the brochure, so by checking this regularly for the latest weekly specials and promotions, you will never miss a Your Discount Chemist offer!

Your Discount Chemist products

There is a range of vitamin or nutrition supplements available, as well as a first aid section. You can get your prescription drugs and any over-the-counter medication here, and you can get your flu shot from the same address. There is everything to do with parenthood, from a pregnancy test to baby care products!  You can get a variation of beauty products at the pharmacy ranging from lipstick and makeup to hair products, sunscreen and other skin care. Are you looking for a gift? How about a nice perfume or if you are unsure you can always get a gift card.

Online shopping

To see the store locations and opening hours, just visit All catalogues for the Your Discount Chemist Store can be found online or you can download the handy app.

Frequently asked questions about Your Discount Chemist

The most recent Your Discount Chemist catalogue for this week can be found here: catalogue from 03-02-2025 to 09-02-2025. In the newest catalogue, you’ll find current offers like: Medi-Pak Hot Wheat Pack Long, Circadin Melatonin, & Littleoak Goat's Milk Follow On Stage 2 800g.

The most recent Your Discount Chemist catalogues of this week and next week can be found here: catalogue from 03-02-2025 until 09-02-2025. Check out next week's offers on!

Your Discount Chemist has a lot of great offers this week! This week's promotions at Your Discount Chemist can be found in the catalogue from 03-02-2025 until 09-02-2025, but you can also find all sensational offers online in the webshop or on the Your Discount Chemist website. Here are some interesting offers and promotions: Medi-Pak Hot Wheat Pack Long, Circadin Melatonin and Littleoak Goat's Milk Follow On Stage 2 800g

You can find the nearest store on our website by providing your location. The advantage of sharing your location is that we can list all stores located in your area. Clicking on 'stores' in the app will show you the nearest Your Discount Chemist store. You can also enter your postcode on our website and in the app to find out which branches are close by.

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