We have listed all of our most popular catalogues and specials for you on this page. Thanks to our large number of visitors we know exactly which catalogue and which special is popular at any given moment. The biggest advantage here is that you get to benefit from these large discounts and hot deals as well! This is why we have categorised them as “popular catalogues”. Brands often present their new products, trends or seasonal products by using attractive photos in a brochure, catalogue of lookbook. When you shop online, you will often come across lists of top tips or style tips, “get the look”, or “consumers also bought”. With this information you’ll know exactly what’s trending and which items are sold often. Stores and retailers often publish their sharpest specials and discounts in a brochure, and then try to attract visitors to their stores via these discount catalogues. They often do the same with digital magazines. If you need to get inspired because you want to get an idea about what products are trending or which products are bought most often, your best bet is to search for a relevant magazine. These magazines are usually published once a month, or quarterly. Of course the popularity of a product varies tremendously depending on the period. Think of Black Friday, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day. During these periods, special brochures or catalogues are published with specific product discounts that are valid only during that promotional period, sale, or special theme period. If you are on your way to the store, or about to place an order online, always make sure to check our “popular catalogues” selection with our handy sort-function and don’t forget to input your location so that you can also view and search for any popular specials and deals in your neighbourhood or in any specific location of your choice. For the real bargain hunters that always want to be in the know about every special deal or offer, we have created our Catalogueoffers.com.au newsletter or notification service. You can sign up for these services free of charge! That way you will be kept in the loop of any last-minute deals, daily specials and online – only deals.